“Come to me, all who labour and heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matthew 10:22).
Our Mission:
To provide an appreciation of the deceased in a place of beauty and peace, comforting families and individuals by meeting their final needs with compassion and dignity.
We offer you lots and columbarium niches for your final resting place:
Single and double lots; Single lots hold a casket or 3 urns if needed. Double lots can hold 2 caskets and 2 urns or 6 urns.
We have a flat maker area as well with single and double lots available.
We also have an Urn Garden with flat makers only and a Baby Land with single lots and flat markers only.
Finally, we have outdoor columbariums which provide niches. A single niche holds 2 urns and a double niche holds 3 urns.